Hospice Spiritual Care

Many patients and families find hope and comfort through their religious beliefs during their hospice journey. Electing to receive services with a chaplain or other spiritual care provider can be healing, beneficial, and can help families find peace.

At West Michigan Hospice, we’re proud to offer spiritual care services for our patients and their loved ones. You can choose to meet with a chaplain or other spiritual care provider at any time. Often, these services bring patients and families peace and solace during one of life’s most challenging experiences. 

Learn How Our Hospice Spiritual Care Services Can Help You
Please fill out the form below with your information and how we can help. Once submitted, our team will reach out as soon as possible.

What Is Spiritual Care in Hospice?

Hospice services are designed to aid care for someone’s mind, body, and spirit. During hospice care, physicians and nurses care for your physical and medical needs, and a social worker supports your mental and emotional health. A spiritual counselor, or hospice chaplain, is specifically trained to guide, comfort, and support a patient and their loved ones through the patient’s faith. They can help navigate the spiritual needs someone has during hospice care and after death occurs.  

For some individuals, spirituality involves faith, religious practices, or cultural traditions. For others, it means how they draw meaning from their existence on this earth and the important relationships of their life. No matter what spirituality means to you, we’re here to make sure your needs are taken care of. 

How Does Spiritual Care Work?

Here at West Michigan Hospice, we serve patients and families from all walks of life and cultures. With that comes a wide variety of religious beliefs, cultural traditions, and spiritual ideologies. We also have patients that don’t identify with any spiritual practices. Our goal is to offer our patients and their loved ones the support they need.

Our spiritual counselors at West Michigan Hospice have undergone immense training and education to serve our patients. They are well-versed in many religions, cultures, and ways of being spiritual in life. No matter where someone is during their hospice journey, our counselors are there to offer support. 



Meet Chaplain Sarah! 

Chaplain Sarah is a pastor in the Christian faith. She has led congregations and counseled individuals and families for over 10 years. Prior to working with West Michigan Hospice, Sarah worked in prison ministries and congregational ministry.

Benefits of Spiritual Care in Hospice

Spiritual care, also known as pastoral care, helps to support patients and their loved ones through hospice care and the grieving process. No matter what your belief system or culture entails, and whether you consider yourself religious or not, many benefits can come from spiritual care and counseling.  

Benefits of spiritual care during times of hospice and grief include: 

  • Alleviation of feelings of guilt, obsessive thoughts, confusion, and loneliness
  • Ease of negative thoughts, including depression, anxiety, and regret
  • Introduction of positive ways of thinking, spiritual rituals, and other experiences
  • Facilitation of interpersonal or universal connection 
  • Introduction to gratitude, forgiveness, and closure
  • Alleviation of fear and other concerns associated with death and loss

Does Insurance Cover Spiritual Care?

Yes. Hospice care services are 100% covered by Medicare and Medicaid, which includes spiritual care and counseling services.

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Have More Questions About Hospice Spiritual Care?
Contact Our Team

If you have more questions about hospice spiritual care for yourself or someone you’re close to, don’t hesitate to reach out. West Michigan Hospice is here to offer you assistance and support. Give us a call at (616) 258-2680, or contact us online. You may also visit our FAQs page for more information.